But the truth is, you're closer to your goals with a specialist working with the team.In my 10 or so years experience
Digital Strategist & Knightlab Founder
Digital Strategist & Knightlab Founder
A couple months back Knightlab was engaged for a workshop to assist the EcoMarines Foundation team get in the right direction with all things digital and marketing.
It's been a blast getting to know the team as they continue to work with teachers, student ambassadors, and businesses across QLD to create a wave of environmental change through their programs.
It was certainly a big day, but an even bigger 12 months ahead for these guys!
Digital Strategist & Knightlab Founder
Hate to break it to you, but paid ads won't save you 🙅
But they're such a valuable tool IF applied correctly 🎯
When push comes to shove do we actually need to engage into digital paid advertising? I like to run through the below criteria:
What's the level of competition that we're dealing with? Are we going head-to-head with big brands like BHP or Samsung? What can we do to lower the level of competition?
Who are they? Will they actually engage? What's the timing look like for them? Are they problem aware? Can they actually make a purchase?
What do you stand to gain from a purchase/enquiry etc? Is it worth the spend? Is this the right platform? What role does this ad campaign play in the bigger picture?
Try out the above the next time you're deciding on paid ads and take the guess work out. #paidads #paidadvertising #digitalstrategy #digitalmarketing #linkedin hashtag#linkedinadvertising hashtag#googleads hashtag#facebookads